Tuesday 12 January 2016

Audience feed back

Today we pitched our potential ideas for our final thriller opening to our class. First we went over our idea sheet and discussed our three best ideas giving the pro's, con's and synopsis of the idea. Then we presented our top three ideas to the class and collected all of the feedback given in order to decide which idea to continue with. 
Idea 1:
Starting with the first idea on our sheet which was a prison/ psychological thriller with romantic aspects. This idea wasn't received very well and we were given resoundingly bad feed back surrounding this idea. Mostly our audience decided that this idea would be too hard to pull off as it required prison related props, a set that appeared to be a prison and some other things that would have been difficult to acquire. The idea in itself wasn't alls that bad but after pitching our other ideas this one was put to the bottom of the pile due to the feedback we received. As this idea would have been hard to pull off because of it's complicated plot and if not executed properly with the right set and props would not have made much sense. However if we could pull it all together would create quite an interesting and though provoking thriller due to it's complex nature, although our group agreed it would be best not to risk it and go with something a little simpler for our first real attempt at filming.

Idea 2:
The second idea on the sheet was a crime thriller where two girls were followed and eventually murdered by a serial killer. This idea required very little props and the set for this particular thriller could be found easily. Due to this the idea of our crime thriller was received fairly well. Our audience provided great feedback and enquired on a few things such as the time of day that we would film which got our group thinking more about the possibility of filming this thriller. The class also thought that the idea for this thriller could be quite suspenseful and could potentially be a successful thriller opening as it managed to contain key thriller conventions such as a murder.

Idea 3:
Our third idea was also a crime thriller but more of a jewellery store hiest. This was given quite critical feedback with questions being posed such as to how many people we would need to produce this thriller and how we would find a set that looks like a jewellery store. Our audience also remarked that this idea was rather generic and unoriginal. The plot was quite complicated to explain and so it was assumed that it would be complicated to follow if filmed causing problems with filming and editing it together in order to make sense of it all. For these reasons we decided against doing this as our final thriller as it would be hard to produce and still be boring.

Final choice:
The class unanimously proffered our second idea as it was the easiest to produce in the end and also sounded like it would be the most effective at conveying the thriller genre. So we chose this one for our final thriller.

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