Sunday 13 March 2016

Audience feedback on rough cut

When we showed our rough cut to people we received feedback. Most of the feedback we received was positive such as people thought that the idea was really interesting they liked the cliffhanger ending and said that they couldn't wait to see the final opening. However we also received negative feedback which is the whole point of a rough cut to see what people honestly think of your film so far and to get constructive criticism and tips on how to improve when we complete our final course work. 

Points that were brought to our attention were that our editing needed some improvements for example there was a piece of footage which included the director (Louis) speaking. As we start combing through the thriller when editing we will be able to pick up on things like that fairly easily, and so can be avoided when it comes to our actual opening. Some of the other feedback that we received was that the beginning scene was too long and boring as all it consisted of was the girls walking along a path. Although we did this intentionally as this is going to be the time period where we will include the titles so we made sure that nothing relevant was happening as not to distract the audience from the action with titles. 

All together this feedback was really useful as it allowed us to see that an audience was enthusiastic to watch and comment on our rough cut this means that we are now confident about our ability to produce a good final thriller opening. 

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