Wednesday 16 December 2015

The Art of The Title

The art of the title is a website dedicated to the analysis of title sequences. It contains the title of the movie in question, images of the title sequence, a video of the title sequence and an article about the title sequence.

Images of the title sequence
For "Angry Indian Goddesses"

This is what you see when you first open the website it brings you to a title sequence this one is for "Angry Indian Goddesses" if you click on the image it takes you to the video of the title sequence shown. If you click on "View article" it takes you to a new page with the article for the title sequence critique. 
The article about the title sequenceFor "Angry Indian Goddesses"
This is the article for "Angry Indian Goddesses" you can click to find out about the writer and editor of the article. Also to the sides of the article it gives you info about the film e.g. the director.

You can also click on title sequences/ designers + studios 

Which drops down to a list of recent, recommended and classic title sequences. 

I now need to select a few title sequences that I think come across as particularly effective.

Crimson Peak

This title sequence was effective as it gives depictions of the direction of movement throughout the movie, clearly conveying the tone of the film. It matches the style of the film really well and allows you to infer what the movie will be about. The delicacy of the moths and butterflies mimic the fragility of life throughout the film, and the slow movement throughout the house reflects its introduction in the film and the sad nature of all that has come to pass there. The gothic style of the house makes it slightly creepy and the pinned butterfly and spots of blood let the audience know that all is not as it seems within that perfect house. The music of the title sequence also adds to the feel of the movie accentuating the somber atmosphere that already exists within the house.

I think Coraline's title sequence is effective as it gives a hint of what is going to happen in the movie. It contains all of the key aspects that run throughout the film- the button eyes being the most obvious. It also matches the abstractly creepy style of the film, making the audience feel uneasy when the doll is slowly take apart and put back to be Coraline. The way that the doll descends slowly swaying back and forth is unnerving to say the least and the needle hands holding the doll put you slightly on edge.

I feel that the title sequence for this film is very relevant and does a lot in the way of explaining key aspects of the film in an easy text based way right at the start. Although the title sequence contains a lot of the key motives throughout the movie it does not really give too much away just enough to peak the audience's interest without spoiling the entire movie. That being said the title sequence is one that holds a lot of the plot in it so cannot be overlooked or else the rest of the movie won't make all that much sense. Even with all that the style of the title sequence being under water and the letters peeling off into bubbles is interesting to watch and has almost a mechanical feel to it what with all the metal bars floating around.

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